Module API


ROS extensions, behaviours and utilities for py_trees.


class py_trees_ros.action_clients.FromBlackboard(action_type, action_name, key, name=<Name.AUTO_GENERATED: 'AUTO_GENERATED'>, generate_feedback_message=None, wait_for_server_timeout_sec=-3.0)[source]

Bases: py_trees.behaviour.Behaviour

An action client interface that draws goals from the blackboard. The lifecycle of this behaviour works as follows:

  • initialise(): check blackboard for a goal and send
  • update(): if a goal was sent, monitor progress
  • terminate(): if interrupted while running, send a cancel request

As a consequence, the status of this behaviour can be interpreted as follows:

  • FAILURE: no goal was found to send, it was rejected or it failed while executing
  • RUNNING: a goal was sent and is still executing on the server
  • SUCCESS: sent goal has completed with success

To block on the arrival of a goal on the blackboard, use with the py_trees.behaviours.WaitForBlackboardVariable behaviour. e.g.

sequence = py_trees.composites.Sequence(name="Sequence")
wait_for_goal = py_trees.behaviours.WaitForBlackboardVariable(
action_client = py_trees_ros.aciton_clients.FromBlackboard(
sequence.add_children([wait_for_goal, action_client])

To customise a more interesting feedback message, pass in a method to the constructor, for example:

action_client = py_trees_ros.action_clients.FromBlackboard(
    generate_message=lambda msg: "{:.2f}%%".format(
  • action_type (Any) – spec type for the action (e.g. move_base_msgs.action.MoveBase)
  • action_name (str) – where you can find the action topics & services (e.g. “bob/move_base”)
  • key (str) – name of the key on the blackboard
  • name (str) – name of the behaviour (default: lowercase class name)
  • generate_feedback_message (Optional[Callable[[Any], str]]) – formatter for feedback messages, takes action_type.Feedback messages and returns strings (default: None)
  • wait_for_server_timeout_sec (float) – use negative values for a blocking but periodic check (default: -3.0)


The default setting for timeouts (a negative value) will suit most use cases. With this setting the behaviour will periodically check and issue a warning if the server can’t be found. Actually aborting the setup can usually be left up to the behaviour tree manager.


Immediate callback for the result of a cancel request. This will set the behaviour’s feedback message accordingly.

Parameters:future (<Mock name='mock.task.Future' id='139961592116000'>) – incoming cancellation result delivered from the action server

Default generator for feedback messages from the action server. This will update the behaviour’s feedback message with a stringified version of the incoming feedback message.

Parameters:msg (Any) – incoming feedback message (e.g. move_base_msgs.action.MoveBaseFeedback)

Immediate callback for the result, saves data into local variables so that the update method can react accordingly.

Parameters:future (<Mock name='mock.task.Future' id='139961592116000'>) – incoming goal result delivered from the action server

Handle goal response, proceed to listen for the result if accepted.

Parameters:future (<Mock name='mock.task.Future' id='139961592116000'>) – incoming goal request result delivered from the action server

Reset the internal variables and kick off a new goal request.


Send a cancel request to the server. This is triggered when the behaviour’s status switches from RUNNING to INVALID (typically a result of a priority interrupt).


Send the goal, get a future back and start lining up the chain of callbacks that will lead to a result.


Setup the action client services and subscribers.


**kwargs (dict) – distribute arguments to this behaviour and in turn, all of it’s children

  • KeyError – if a ros2 node isn’t passed under the key ‘node’ in kwargs
  • TimedOutError – if the action server could not be found

Clean up the action client when shutting down.


If running and the current goal has not already succeeded, cancel it.

Parameters:new_status (Status) – the behaviour is transitioning to this new status

Check only to see whether the underlying action server has succeeded, is running, or has cancelled/aborted for some reason and map these to the usual behaviour return states.

class py_trees_ros.action_clients.FromConstant(action_type, action_name, action_goal, name=<Name.AUTO_GENERATED: 'AUTO_GENERATED'>, generate_feedback_message=None, wait_for_server_timeout_sec=-3.0)[source]

Bases: py_trees_ros.action_clients.FromBlackboard

Convenience version of the action client that only ever sends the same goal.

  • action_type (Any) – spec type for the action (e.g. move_base_msgs.action.MoveBase)
  • action_name (str) – where you can find the action topics & services (e.g. “bob/move_base”)
  • action_goal (Any) – the goal to send
  • name (str) – name of the behaviour (default: lowercase class name)
  • generate_feedback_message (Optional[Callable[[Any], str]]) – formatter for feedback messages, takes action_type.Feedback messages and returns strings (default: None)
  • wait_for_server_timeout_sec (float) – use negative values for a blocking but periodic check (default: -3.0)


The default setting for timeouts (a negative value) will suit most use cases. With this setting the behaviour will periodically check and issue a warning if the server can’t be found. Actually aborting the setup can usually be left up to the behaviour tree manager.


Getting the most out of your battery.

class py_trees_ros.battery.ToBlackboard(topic_name, qos_profile, name=<Name.AUTO_GENERATED: 'AUTO_GENERATED'>, threshold=30.0)[source]

Bases: py_trees_ros.subscribers.ToBlackboard

Subscribes to the battery message and writes battery data to the blackboard. Also adds a warning flag to the blackboard if the battery is low - note that it does some buffering against ping-pong problems so the warning doesn’t trigger on/off rapidly when close to the threshold.

When ticking, updates with RUNNING if it got no data, SUCCESS otherwise.

Blackboard Variables:
  • battery (sensor_msgs.msg.BatteryState)[w]: the raw battery message
  • battery_low_warning (bool)[w]: False if battery is ok, True if critically low
  • topic_name (str) – name of the battery state topic
  • qos_profile (<Mock name='mock.qos.QoSProfile' id='139961584462368'>) – qos profile for the subscriber
  • name (str) – name of the behaviour
  • threshold (float) – percentage level threshold for flagging as low (0-100)

Call the parent to write the raw data to the blackboard and then check against the threshold to determine if the low warning flag should also be updated.

Return type:Status
Returns:SUCCESS if a message was written, RUNNING otherwise.


This module provides the py_trees_ros.blackboard.Exchange class, a ROS wrapper around a Blackboard that permits introspection of either the entire board or a window onto a smaller part of the board over a ROS API via the py-trees-blackboard-watcher command line utility.

class py_trees_ros.blackboard.BlackboardView(node, topic_name, variable_names, filter_on_visited_path, with_activity_stream)[source]

Bases: object

Utility class that enables tracking and publishing of relevant parts of the blackboard for a user. This is used by the Exchange operator.

  • node (<Mock name='mock.node.Node' id='139961584107648'>) – an rclpy node for communications handling
  • topic_name (str) – name of the topic for the publisher
  • variable_names (Set[str]) – requested variables to view
  • filter_on_visited_path (bool) – constrain dynamically to the visited region of the blackboard

Dynamically adjusts the tracking parameters for the sub-blackboard against the clients that were visited (if desired) and proceeds to determine if there was a change since the last check.


Since this caches the current blackboard, it can’t be used multiple times in succession.

Return type:bool

Shutdown the temporarily created publisher.

class py_trees_ros.blackboard.BlackboardWatcher(namespace_hint=None)[source]

Bases: object

The blackboard watcher sits on the other side of the exchange and is a useful mechanism from which to pull all or part of the blackboard contents. This is useful for live introspection, or logging of the blackboard contents.

Parameters:namespace_hint (Optional[str]) – (optionally) used to locate the blackboard if there exists more than one

Convenience api for opening a service client and waiting for the service to appear.


key (str) – one of ‘open’, ‘close’.

  • NotReadyError – if setup() wasn’t called to identify the relevant services to connect to.
  • TimedOutError – if it times out waiting for the server

Very simple formatter of incoming messages.

Parameters:msg (std_msgs.String) – incoming blackboard message as a string.

Creates the node and checks that all of the server-side services are available for calling on to open a connection.


timeout_sec (float) – time (s) to wait (use common.Duration.INFINITE to block indefinitely)


Perform any ros-specific shutdown.

class py_trees_ros.blackboard.Exchange[source]

Bases: object

Establishes ros communications around a Blackboard that enable users to introspect or watch relevant parts of the blackboard.

ROS Publishers:
  • ~/_watcher_<N> (std_msgs.msg.String)
    • streams the (sub)blackboard over a blackboard watcher connection
ROS Services:
  • ~/get_variables (py_trees_msgs.srv.GetBlackboardVariables)
    • list all the blackboard variable names (not values)
  • ~/open (py_trees_msgs.srv.OpenBlackboardStream)
    • request a publisher to stream a part of the blackboard contents
  • ~/close (py_trees_msgs.srv.CloseBlackboardStream)
    • close a previously opened watcher

Watching could be more simply enabled by just providing a get style service on a particular variable(s), however that would introduce an asynchronous interrupt on the library’s usage and subsequently, locking. Instead, a watcher service requests for a stream, i.e. a publisher to be created for private use that streams only a subsection of the blackboard to the user. Additional services are provided for closing the stream and listing the variables on the blackboard.

See also

py_trees_ros.trees.BehaviourTree (in which it is used) and py-trees-blackboard-watcher (working with the watchers).


Update blackboard watcher views, publish changes and clear the activity stream. Publishing is lazy, depending on blackboard watcher connections.

Typically you would call this from a tree custodian (e.g. py_trees_ros.trees.BehaviourTree) after each and every tick.

Parameters:visited_client_ids (Optional[List[UUID]]) – blackboard client unique identifiers

This is where the ros initialisation of publishers and services happens. It is kept outside of the constructor for the same reasons that the familiar py_trees setup() method has - to enable construction of behaviours and trees offline (away from their execution environment) so that dot graphs and other visualisations of the tree can be created.

Parameters:node (Node) – node to hook ros communications on


It is expected that users will use this in their own customised tree custodian:

class MyTreeManager(py_trees.trees.BehaviourTree):

    def __init__(self):

    def setup(self, timeout):
        super(MyTreeManager, self).setup(timeout) = py_trees_ros.blackboard.Exchange()

See also

This class is used as illustrated above in BehaviourTree.

class py_trees_ros.blackboard.SubBlackboard(node)[source]

Bases: object

Dynamically track the entire blackboard or part thereof and flag when there have been changes. This is a nice to have that only works if the blackboard contains fundamental variables (i.e. objects that can be pickled).

Parameters:node (<Mock name='mock.node.Node' id='139961584107648'>) – the node handle for ros logging of warnings if needed

Check for changes to the blackboard scoped to the provided set of variable names (may be nested, e.g. battery.percentage). Checks the entire blackboard when variable_names is None.

Parameters:variable_names (Set[str]) – constrain the scope to track for changes


Converter methods for transferring information back and forth between py_trees objects and ros messages.


Convert the blackboard activity stream to a message.

Return type:List[<Mock name=’mock.msg.ActivityItem’ id=’139961584110672’>]
Returns:A list of activity item messages.

Provide, e.g. policy information about the behaviour (i.e. black magic details under the hood). Useed for debugging, so only strings needed.


Unlock unicode support across the wire, currently only ascii arrives ungarbled.

Parameters:behaviour (Behaviour) – investigate the policies for this behaviour
Return type:str
Returns:an informative additional detail string

Convert a behaviour to a message.

Parameters:behaviour (Behaviour) – behaviour to convert
Return type:<Mock name=’mock.msg.Behaviour’ id=’139961584634008’>
Returns:a ros message representation of a behaviour

Convert a behaviour class type to a message constant.

Parameters:behaviour (Behaviour) – investigate the type of this behaviour
Returns:from the type constants in py_trees_ros_interfaces.msg.Behaviour
Return type:uint8

Convert a blackbox level enum to a message constant.

Parameters:blackbox_level (BlackBoxLevel) – blackbox level of a behaviour
Returns:from the type constants in py_trees_ros_interfaces.msg.Behaviour
Return type:uint8

Convert one of the behaviour type constants in a py_trees_ros_interfaces.msg.Behaviour message to a type.

Parameters:value (int) – see the message definition for details
Return type:Any
Returns:a behaviour class type (e.g. py_trees.composites.Sequence)
Raises:TypeError – if the message type is unrecognised

Convert one of the blackbox level constants in a Behaviour message to a py_trees status enum.

Parameters:value (int) – see the message definition for details
Return type:BlackBoxLevel
Returns:a py_trees blackbox level
Raises:TypeError – if the status type is unrecognised

Convert one of the status constants in a py_trees_ros_interfaces.msg.Behaviour message to a py_trees status enum.

Parameters:value (int) – see the message definition for details
Return type:Status
Returns:a py_trees status
Raises:TypeError – if the status type is unrecognised

Convert behaviour message to a py_trees behaviour. This doesn’t completely recreate the original behaviour (doesn’t have any of the custom state), but allows the user to compose a tree that can be utilised for debugging or visualisation applications.

Parameters:msg (<Mock name='mock.msg.Behaviour' id='139961584634008'>) – a ros message representation of a behaviour
Return type:Behaviour
Returns:converted, skeleton of the original behaviour

Convert a uuid4 python object to a ros unique identifier, UUID type.

Parameters:msg (<Mock name='mock.msg.UUID' id='139961584633952'>) – the ros message type
Return type:UUID
Returns:the behaviour’s uuid, python style

Convert a ros2 duration (seconds/nanoseconds) to a float.

Parameters:time – time to convert
Return type:float
Returns:time (seconds) as a float

Convert a ros2 time (seconds/nanoseconds) to a float.

Parameters:time (<Mock name='mock.time.Time' id='139961584634232'>) – time to convert
Return type:float
Returns:time (seconds) as a float

Convert a status to a message constant.

Parameters:status (Status) – status enum of a behaviour
Returns:from the status constants in py_trees_ros_interfaces.msg.Behaviour
Return type:uint8

Convert a uuid4 python object to a ros unique identifier, UUID type.

Parameters:uuid4 (UUID) – unique identifier to convert, defaults to auto-generated uuid4
Return type:<Mock name=’mock.msg.UUID’ id=’139961584633952’>
Returns:the ros message type


Custom exception types for py_trees_ros.

exception py_trees_ros.exceptions.MultipleFoundError[source]

Bases: Exception

Middleware connection found when but one was expected.

exception py_trees_ros.exceptions.NotFoundError[source]

Bases: Exception

Middleware connection not found.

exception py_trees_ros.exceptions.NotReadyError[source]

Bases: Exception

Typically used when methods have been called that expect, but have not pre-engaged in the ROS2 specific setup typical of py_trees_ros classes and behaviours.

exception py_trees_ros.exceptions.ServiceError[source]

Bases: Exception

Failure in a service request-response process (usually no response).

exception py_trees_ros.exceptions.TimedOutError[source]

Bases: Exception

Timed out waiting (typically) for middleware connections to be established.


Convenience behaviours for publishing ROS messages.

class py_trees_ros.publishers.FromBlackboard(topic_name, topic_type, qos_profile, blackboard_variable, name=<Name.AUTO_GENERATED: 'AUTO_GENERATED'>)[source]

Bases: py_trees.behaviour.Behaviour

This behaviour looks up the blackboard for content to publish … and publishes it.

This is a non-blocking behaviour - if there is no data yet on the blackboard it will tick with FAILURE, otherwise SUCCESS.

To convert it to a blocking behaviour, simply use with the py_trees.behaviours.WaitForBlackboardVariable. e.g.

sequence = py_trees.composites.Sequence(name="Sequence")
wait_for_data = py_trees.behaviours.WaitForBlackboardVariable(
publisher = py_trees_ros.publishers.FromBlackboard(
sequence.add_children([wait_for_data, publisher])

The various set/unset blackboard variable behaviours can also be useful for setting and unsetting the message to be published (typically elsewhere in the tree).

  • topic_name (str) – name of the topic to connect to
  • topic_type (Any) – class of the message type (e.g. std_msgs.msg.String)
  • qos_profile (<Mock name='mock.qos.QoSProfile' id='139961584462368'>) – qos profile for the subscriber
  • name (str) – name of the behaviour
  • blackboard_variable (str) – name of the variable on the blackboard (can be nested)

Initialises the publisher.

Parameters:**kwargs (dict) – distribute arguments to this behaviour and in turn, all of it’s children
Raises:KeyError – if a ros2 node isn’t passed under the key ‘node’ in kwargs

Publish the specified variable from the blackboard.

Raises:TypeError if the blackboard variable is not of the required type
Returns:FAILURE (variable does not exist on the blackboard) or SUCCESS (published)


ROS subscribers are asynchronous communication handles whilst py_trees are by their nature synchronous. They tick, pause, then tick again and provide an assumption that only one behaviour or function is running at any single moment. Firing off a subscriber callback in the middle of that synchronicity to write to a blackboard would break this assumption.

To get around that, subscriber behaviours run the ros callbacks in a background thread and constrain locking and a local cache inside the behaviour. Only in the update function is a cached variable unlocked and then permitted to be used or written to the blackboard.

class py_trees_ros.subscribers.CheckData(topic_name, topic_type, qos_profile, variable_name, expected_value, comparison_operator=<built-in function eq>, fail_if_no_data=False, fail_if_bad_comparison=False, name=<Name.AUTO_GENERATED: 'AUTO_GENERATED'>, clearing_policy=<ClearingPolicy.ON_INITIALISE: 1>)[source]

Bases: py_trees_ros.subscribers.Handler

Check a subscriber to see if it has received data.

It optionally checks whether that data, or part of it has a specific value.

Usage Patterns

Sequence Guard: RUNNING until there is a successful comparison

  • fail_if_no_data=False
  • fail_if_bad_comparison=False

Selector Priority Chooser: FAILURE until there is a successful comparison

  • fail_if_no_data=True
  • fail_if_bad_comparison=True
  • topic_name (str) – name of the topic to connect to
  • topic_type (Any) – class of the message type (e.g. std_msgs.msg.String)
  • qos_profile (<Mock name='mock.qos.QoSProfile' id='139961584462368'>) – qos profile for the subscriber
  • variable_name (str) – name of the variable to check
  • expected_value (Any) – expected value of the variable
  • comparison_operator – one from the python operator module
  • fail_if_no_dataFAILURE instead of RUNNING if there is no data yet
  • fail_if_bad_comparisonFAILURE instead of RUNNING if comparison failed
  • name – name of the behaviour
  • clearing_policy – when to clear the data


Prefer ToBlackboard and the various blackboard checking behaviours instead. It will provide you with better introspection capability and less complex behaviour construction to manage.


Handles all the logic for determining what result should go back.

Returns:depending on the checking results
Return type:Status
class py_trees_ros.subscribers.EventToBlackboard(topic_name, qos_profile, variable_name, name=<Name.AUTO_GENERATED: 'AUTO_GENERATED'>)[source]

Bases: py_trees_ros.subscribers.Handler

Listen for events (std_msgs.msg.Empty) on a subscriber and writes the result to the blackboard.

This will write True to the variable on the blackboard if a message was received since the last tick, False otherwise. The behaviour itself always returns SUCCESS.


Ideally you need this at the very highest part of the tree so that it gets triggered every time - once this happens, then the rest of the behaviour tree can utilise the variables.

  • topic_name (str) – name of the topic to connect to
  • qos_profile (<Mock name='mock.qos.QoSProfile' id='139961584462368'>) – qos profile for the subscriber
  • variable_name (str) – name to write the boolean result on the blackboard
  • name – name of the behaviour

Check for data and write to the board.

Returns:Always returns SUCCESS
class py_trees_ros.subscribers.Handler(topic_name, topic_type, qos_profile, name=<Name.AUTO_GENERATED: 'AUTO_GENERATED'>, clearing_policy=<ClearingPolicy.ON_INITIALISE: 1>)[source]

Bases: py_trees.behaviour.Behaviour


Do not use - it will always return INVALID. Subclass it to create a functional behaviour.

Not intended for direct use, as this just absorbs the mechanics of setting up a subscriber for inheritance by user-defined behaviour classes. There are several options for the mechanism of clearing the data so that a new result can be processed.

Always Look for New Data

This will clear any currently stored data upon entry into the behaviour (i.e. when initialise() is called). This is useful for a behaviour in a sequence that is looking to start fresh as it is about to tick and be in a RUNNING state until new data arrives.

Look for New Data only after SUCCESS

This will clear any currently stored data as soon as the behaviour returns SUCCESS. This is useful for catching new triggers/events from things like buttons where you don’t want to miss things even though you may not actually be ticking.

Use the Latest Data

Even if this data was received before entry into the behaviour. In this case initialise() does not do anything with the currently stored data. Useful as a blocking behaviour to wait on some some topic having been initialised with some data (e.g. CameraInfo).

  • topic_name (str) – name of the topic to connect to
  • topic_type (Any) – class of the message type (e.g. std_msgs.msg.String)
  • qos_profile (<Mock name='mock.qos.QoSProfile' id='139961584462368'>) – qos profile for the subscriber
  • name (str) – name of the behaviour
  • clearing_policy (ClearingPolicy) – when to clear the data

If the clearing policy is set to ON_INITIALISE it will clear the internally saved message, otherwise it does nothing.


Initialises the subscriber.

Parameters:**kwargs (dict) – distribute arguments to this behaviour and in turn, all of it’s children
Raises:KeyError – if a ros2 node isn’t passed under the key ‘node’ in kwargs
class py_trees_ros.subscribers.ToBlackboard(topic_name, topic_type, qos_profile, blackboard_variables={}, initialise_variables={}, name=<Name.AUTO_GENERATED: 'AUTO_GENERATED'>, clearing_policy=<ClearingPolicy.ON_INITIALISE: 1>)[source]

Bases: py_trees_ros.subscribers.Handler

Saves the latest message to the blackboard and immediately returns success. If no data has yet been received, this behaviour blocks (i.e. returns RUNNING).

Typically this will save the entire message, however sub fields can be designated, in which case they will write to the specified keys.

  • topic_name (str) – name of the topic to connect to
  • topic_type (Any) – class of the message type (e.g. std_msgs.msg.String)
  • qos_profile (<Mock name='mock.qos.QoSProfile' id='139961584462368'>) – qos profile for the subscriber
  • blackboard_variables (Dict[str, Any]) – blackboard variable string or dict {names (keys) - message subfields (values)}, use a value of None to indicate the entire message
  • initialise_variables (Dict[str, Any]) – initialise the blackboard variables to some defaults
  • name – name of the behaviour
  • clearing_policy – when to clear the data


To capture an entire message:

chatter_to_blackboard = ToBlackboard(topic_name="chatter",
                                     blackboard_variables = {'chatter': None}

or to get rid of the annoying sub-data field in std_msgs/String:

chatter_to_blackboard = ToBlackboard(topic_name="chatter",
                                     blackboard_variables = {'chatter': 'data'}

combinations of multiple entities inside the message can also be saved:

blackboard_variables={"pose_with_covariance_stamped": None, "pose": "pose.pose"}

Writes the data (if available) to the blackboard.

Returns:RUNNING (no data) or SUCCESS
Return type:Status
class py_trees_ros.subscribers.WaitForData(topic_name, topic_type, qos_profile, name=<Name.AUTO_GENERATED: 'AUTO_GENERATED'>, clearing_policy=<ClearingPolicy.ON_INITIALISE: 1>)[source]

Bases: py_trees_ros.subscribers.Handler

Waits for a subscriber’s callback to be triggered. This doesn’t care about the actual data, just whether it arrived or not, so is useful for catching triggers (std_msgs/Empty messages) or blocking (in the behaviour sense) until some data has arrived (e.g. camera configuration). There are two use cases:

Usage Patterns

Got Something, Sometime

  • clearing_policy == NEVER

Don’t care when data arrived, just that it arrived. This could be for something like a map topic, or a configuration that you need to block. Once it returns SUCCESS, it will always return SUCCESS.

Wating for the Next Thing, Starting From Now

  • clearing_policy == ON_INTIALISE

Useful as a gaurd at the start of a sequence, that is waiting for an event to trigger after the sequence has started (i.e. been initialised).

Wating for the Next Thing, Starting from the Last

Useful as a guard watching for an event that could have come in anytime, but for which we do with to reset (and subsequently look for the next event). e.g. button events.

  • topic_name (str) – name of the topic to connect to
  • topic_type (Any) – class of the message type (e.g. std_msgs.msg.String)
  • qos_profile (<Mock name='mock.qos.QoSProfile' id='139961584462368'>) – qos profile for the subscriber
  • name – name of the behaviour
  • clearing_policy – when to clear the data
Returns:RUNNING (no data) or SUCCESS
Return type:Status


Various behaviours that enable common interactions with ROS transforms.

class py_trees_ros.transforms.FromBlackboard(variable_name, target_frame, source_frame, static, qos_profile, static_qos_profile=None, name=<Name.AUTO_GENERATED: 'AUTO_GENERATED'>)[source]

Bases: py_trees.behaviour.Behaviour

Broadcast a transform from the blackboard using the transform broadcaster mechanisms.

If no it fails to find a geometry_msgs.Transform object on the blackboard, or the blackboard variable is None, this behaviour will update with status FAILURE.

  • variable_name (str) – name of the transform variable on the blackboard
  • target_frame (str) – name of the frame to transform into
  • source_frame (str) – name of the input frame
  • static (bool) – designate whether it is a static transform or otherwise
  • qos_profile (<Mock name='mock.qos.QoSProfile' id='139961584462368'>) – qos profile for the non-static broadcaster
  • static_qos_profile (Optional[<Mock name=’mock.qos.QoSProfile’ id=’139961584462368’>]) – qos profile for the static broadcaster (default: use tf2_ros’ defaults)
  • name (str) – name of the behaviour

Initialises the transform broadcaster.

Parameters:**kwargs (dict) – distribute arguments to this behaviour and in turn, all of it’s children
Raises:KeyError – if a ros2 node isn’t passed under the key ‘node’ in kwargs

Retrieves the transform from the blackboard, stamps it and subsequently broadcasts it.

Raises:TypeError – if the blackboard variable is of the wrong type.
class py_trees_ros.transforms.ToBlackboard(variable_name, target_frame, source_frame, qos_profile, static_qos_profile=None, clearing_policy=<ClearingPolicy.ON_INITIALISE: 1>, name=<Name.AUTO_GENERATED: 'AUTO_GENERATED'>)[source]

Bases: py_trees.behaviour.Behaviour

Blocking behaviour that looks for a transform and writes it to a variable on the blackboard.

If it fails to find a transform immediately, it will update with status RUNNING and write ‘None’ to the blackboard.


To ensure consistent decision making, use this behaviour up-front in your tree’s tick to record a transform that can be locked in for the remainder of the tree tick.

Usage Patterns

  • clearing_policy == ON_INTIALISE

Use if you have subsequent behaviours that need to make decisions on whether the transform was received or not.

  • clearing_policy == NEVER

Never clear the result. Useful for static transforms or if you are doing your own lookup on the timestamps for any relevant decision making.

  • variable_name – name of the key to write to on the blackboard
  • target_frame (str) – name of the frame to transform into
  • source_frame (str) – name of the input frame
  • qos_profile (<Mock name='mock.qos.QoSProfile' id='139961584462368'>) – qos profile for the non-static subscriber
  • static_qos_profile (Optional[<Mock name=’mock.qos.QoSProfile’ id=’139961584462368’>]) – qos profile for the static subscriber (default: use tf2_ros’ defaults)
  • name (str) – name of the behaviour

TypeError – if the clearing policy is neither ON_INITIALISE or NEVER


Clear the blackboard variable (set to ‘None’) if using the ON_INTIALISE policy.


Initialises the transform listener.

Parameters:**kwargs (dict) – distribute arguments to this behaviour and in turn, all of it’s children
Raises:KeyError – if a ros2 node isn’t passed under the key ‘node’ in kwargs

Checks for the latest transform and posts it to the blackboard if available.


The py_trees_ros.trees.BehaviourTree class extends the core py_trees.trees.BehaviourTree class with both blackboard and (tree) snapshot streaming services. Interact with these services via the py-trees-blackboard-watcher and py-trees-tree-watcher command line utilities.

class py_trees_ros.trees.BehaviourTree(root, unicode_tree_debug=False)[source]

Bases: py_trees.trees.BehaviourTree

Extend the py_trees.trees.BehaviourTree class with a few bells and whistles for ROS.

ROS Parameters:
  • default_snapshot_stream: enable/disable the default snapshots stream in ~/snapshots` (default: False)
  • default_snapshot_period: periodically publish (default: math.inf)
  • default_snapshot_blackboard_data: include tracking and visited variables (default: True)
  • default_snapshot_blackboard_activity: include the blackboard activity (default: False)
  • setup_timeout: time (s) to wait (default: math.inf)
    • if math.inf, it will block indefinitely
ROS Publishers:
  • ~/snapshots (py_trees_interfaces.msg.BehaviourTree): the default snapshot stream, if enabled
ROS Services:
  • ~/blackboard_streams/close (py_trees_ros_interfaces.srv.CloselackboardWatcher)
  • ~/blackboard_streams/get_variables (py_trees_ros_interfaces.srv.GetBlackboardVariables)
  • ~/blackboard_streams/open (py_trees_ros_interfaces.srv.OpenBlackboardWatcher)
  • ~/snapshot_streams/close (py_trees_ros_interfaces.srv.CloseSnapshotsStream)
  • ~/snapshot_streams/open (py_trees_ros_interfaces.srv.OpenSnapshotsStream)
  • ~/snapshot_streams/reconfigure (py_trees_ros_interfaces.srv.ReconfigureSnapshotsStream)

Topics and services are not intended for direct use, but facilitate the operation of the utilities py-trees-tree-watcher and py-trees-blackboard-watcher.

  • root (Behaviour) – root node of the tree
  • unicode_tree_debug (bool) – print to console the visited ascii tree after every tick

AssertionError – if incoming root variable is not the correct type

setup(timeout=<Duration.INFINITE: inf>, visitor=None)[source]

Setup the publishers, exechange and add ros-relevant pre/post tick handlers to the tree. Ultimately relays this call down to all the behaviours in the tree.

  • timeout (float) – time (s) to wait (use common.Duration.INFINITE to block indefinitely)
  • visitor (Optional[VisitorBase]) – runnable entities on each node after it’s setup
  • rclpy.exceptions.NotInitializedException – rclpy not yet initialised
  • Exception – be ready to catch if any of the behaviours raise an exception

Cleanly shut down rclpy timers and nodes.

tick_tock(period_ms, number_of_iterations=-1, pre_tick_handler=None, post_tick_handler=None)[source]

Tick continuously at the period specified.

This is a re-implementation of the tick_tock() tick_tock that takes advantage of the rclpy timers so callbacks are interleaved inbetween rclpy callbacks (keeps everything synchronous so no need for locks).

  • period_ms (float) – sleep this much between ticks (milliseconds)
  • number_of_iterations (int) – number of iterations to tick-tock
  • pre_tick_handler (func) – function to execute before ticking
  • post_tick_handler (func) – function to execute after ticking
class py_trees_ros.trees.SnapshotStream(node, topic_name=None, parameters=None)[source]

Bases: object

SnapshotStream instances are responsible for creating / destroying a snapshot stream as well as the configurable curation of snapshots that are published on it.

class Parameters(blackboard_data=False, blackboard_activity=False, snapshot_period=<Duration.INFINITE: inf>)[source]

Bases: object

Reconfigurable parameters for the snapshot stream.

  • blackboard_data (bool) – publish blackboard variables on the visited path
  • blackboard_activity (bool) – enable and publish blackboard activity in the last tick
  • snapshot_period (float) – period between snapshots (use /inf to only publish on tree status changes)
static expand_topic_name(node, topic_name)[source]

Custom name expansion depending on the topic name provided. This is part of the stream configuration on request which either provides no hint (automatic name generation), a simple hint (relative name expanded under the snapshot streams namespace) or a complete hint (absolute name that does not need expansion).

  • node (<Mock name='mock.node.Node' id='139961584107648'>) – node used to reference the absolute namespace if the hint is not absolute
  • topic_name (str) – hint for the topic name
Return type:



the expanded topic name

publish(root, changed, statistics, visited_behaviour_ids, visited_blackboard_client_ids)[source]

” Publish a snapshot, including only what has been parameterised.

  • root (Behaviour) – the tree
  • changed (bool) – whether the tree status / graph changed or not
  • statistics (<Mock name='mock.msg.Statistics' id='139961583944144'>) – add tree statistics to the snapshot data
  • visited_behaviour_ids (Set[UUID]) – behaviours on the visited path
  • visited_blackboard_client_ids (Set[UUID]) – blackboard clients belonging to behaviours on the visited path

Shutdown the (temporarily) created publisher.

class py_trees_ros.trees.Watcher(topic_name=None, namespace_hint=None, parameters=None, statistics=False, mode=<WatcherMode.SNAPSHOTS: 'SNAPSHOTS'>)[source]

Bases: object

The tree watcher sits on the other side of a running BehaviourTree and is a useful mechanism for quick introspection of it’s current state.

  • topic_name (Optional[str]) – location of the snapshot stream (optional)
  • namespace_hint (Optional[str]) – refine search for snapshot stream services if there is more than one tree (optional)
  • parameters (Optional[Parameters]) – snapshot stream configuration controlling both on-the-fly stream creation and display
  • statistics (bool) – display statistics

Formats the string message coming in.

msg (py_trees_ros_interfaces.msg.BehaviourTree):serialised snapshot

Convenience api for opening a service client and waiting for the service to appear.


key (str) – one of ‘open’, ‘close’.

  • NotReadyError – if setup() wasn’t called to identify the relevant services to connect to.
  • TimedOutError – if it times out waiting for the server

Creates the node and checks that all of the server-side services are available for calling on to open a connection.


timeout_sec (float) – time (s) to wait (use common.Duration.INFINITE to block indefinitely)

class py_trees_ros.trees.WatcherMode[source]

Bases: enum.Enum

An enumerator specifying the view mode for the watcher


Render with the dot graph representation of the static tree (using an application or text to console).


Render ascii/unicode snapshots from a snapshot stream


Assorted utility functions.

class py_trees_ros.utilities.Publishers(node, publisher_details, introspection_topic_name='publishers')[source]

Bases: object

Utility class that groups the publishers together in one convenient structure.

Parameters:(obj (publisher_details) – tuple): list of (str, str, msgType, bool, int) tuples representing (unique_name, topic_name, publisher_type, latched) specifications for creating publishers


Convert the incoming list of specifications into proper variables of this class.

publishers = py_trees.utilities.Publishers(
        ('foo', '~/foo', std_msgs.String, True, 5),
        ('bar', '/foo/bar', std_msgs.String, False, 5),
        ('foobar', '/foo/bar', std_msgs.String, False, 5),
class py_trees_ros.utilities.Services(node, service_details, introspection_topic_name='services')[source]

Bases: object

Utility class that groups services together in one convenient structure.

Parameters:(obj (service_details) – tuple): list of (str, str, srvType, func) tuples representing (unique_name, topic_name, service_type, callback) specifications for creating services


Convert the incoming list of specifications into proper variables of this class.

services = py_trees.utilities.Services(
        ('open_foo', '~/get_foo', foo_interfaces.srv.OpenFoo, open_foo_callback),
        ('open_foo', '/foo/open', foo_interfaces.srv.OpenFoo, self.open_foo_callback),
        ('get_foo_bar', '/foo/bar', foo_interfaces.srv.GetBar,,
class py_trees_ros.utilities.Subscribers(node, subscriber_details, introspection_topic_name='subscribers')[source]

Bases: object

Utility class that groups subscribers together in one convenient structure.

Parameters:(obj (subscriber_details) – tuple): list of (str, str, msgType, bool, func) tuples representing (unique_name, topic_name, subscriber_type, latched, callback) specifications for creating subscribers


Convert the incoming list of specifications into proper variables of this class.

subscribers = py_trees.utilities.Subscribers(
        ('foo', '~/foo', std_msgs.String, True, foo),
        ('bar', '/foo/bar', std_msgs.String, False,,
        ('foobar', '/foo/bar', std_msgs.String, False,,

Generate the basename from a ros name.

Parameters:name (str) – ros name
Returns:name stripped up until the last slash or tilde character.
Return type:str


# 'dude'
# 'dude'

Creates an anonoymous node name by adding a suffix created from a monotonic timestamp, sans the decimal.

Returns:the unique, anonymous node name
Return type:str
py_trees_ros.utilities.find_service(node, service_type, namespace=None, timeout=0.5)[source]

Discover a service of the specified type and if necessary, under the specified namespace.

  • node (Node) – nodes have the discovery methods
  • service_type (str) – primary lookup hint
  • namespace (str) – secondary lookup hint
  • timeout (float) – immediately post node creation, can take time to discover the graph (sec)

fully expanded service name

Return type:


py_trees_ros.utilities.find_topics(node, topic_type, namespace=None, timeout=0.5)[source]

Discover a topic of the specified type and if necessary, under the specified namespace.

  • node (<Mock name='mock.node.Node' id='139961584107648'>) – nodes have the discovery methods
  • topic_type (str) – primary lookup hint
  • namespace (Optional[str]) – secondary lookup hint
  • timeout (float) – check every 0.1s until this timeout is reached (can be None -> checks once)
Return type:List[str]
Returns:list of fully expanded topic names (can be empty)

Find the default home directory used for logging, bagging and other esoterica.


Convenience retrieval for a latched topic (publisher / subscriber)


Default profile for an unlatched topic (in py_trees_ros).

py_trees_ros.utilities.resolve_name(node, name)[source]

Convenience function for getting the resolved name (similar to ‘publisher.resolved_name’ in ROS1).

  • node (rclpy.node.Node) – the node, namespace it should be relevant to
  • (obj (name) – str): topic or service name


This entirely depends on the user providing the relevant node, name pair.


ROS Visitors are entities that can be passed to a ROS tree implementation (e.g. BehaviourTree) and used to either visit each and every behaviour in the tree, or visit behaviours as the tree is traversed in an executing tick. At each behaviour, the visitor runs its own method on the behaviour to do as it wishes - logging, introspecting).


Visitors should not modify the behaviours they visit.

See also

The base interface and core visitors in py_trees.visitors

class py_trees_ros.visitors.SetupLogger(node)[source]

Bases: py_trees.visitors.VisitorBase

Use as a visitor to py_trees_ros.trees.TreeManager.setup() to log the name and timings of each behaviours’ setup to the ROS debug channel.

Parameters:node (<Mock name='mock.node.Node' id='139961584107648'>) – an rclpy node that will provide debug logger

Override this method if any work needs to be performed after ticks (i.e. showing data).


Initialise the timestamping chain.


This method gets run as each behaviour is ticked. Override it to perform some activity - e.g. introspect the behaviour to store/process logging data for visualisations.

Parameters:behaviour (Behaviour) – behaviour that is ticking
class py_trees_ros.visitors.TreeToMsgVisitor[source]

Bases: py_trees.visitors.VisitorBase

Visits the entire tree and gathers all behaviours as messages for the tree logging publishers.

Variables:tree (py_trees_msgs.msg.BehaviourTree) – tree representation in message form

Initialise and stamp a py_trees_msgs.msg.BehaviourTree instance.


Convert the behaviour into a message and append to the tree.

Parameters:behaviour (Behaviour) – behaviour to convert


Entry points to the programs (tools and utilities).


Open up a window onto the blackboard!

Introspect on the entire blackboard or a part thereof and receive a stream of updates whenever values change.


# list all keys on the blackboard
$ py-trees-blackboard-watcher --list
# stream all variables
$ py-trees-blackboard-watcher 
# stream only visited variables and access details
$ py-trees-blackboard-watcher --visited --activity
# stream a single variable
$ py-trees-blackboard-watcher odometry
# stream only a single field within a variable
$ py-trees-blackboard-watcher odometry.pose.pose.position

usage: py-trees-blackboard-watcher [-h] [-l] [-a] [-v] [-n [NAMESPACE]] ...

Positional Arguments


space separated list of blackboard variable names (may be nested) to watch

Default: []

Named Arguments

-l, --list list the blackboard variable names
-a, --activity

include the logged activity stream for recent changes

Default: False

-v, --visited

filter selected keys from those associated with behaviours on the most recent tick’s visited path

Default: False

-n, --namespace
 namespace of blackboard services (if there should be more than one blackboard)

Example interaction with the services of an py_trees_ros.blackboard.Exchange:

py_trees_ros.programs.blackboard_watcher.main(command_line_args=['-T', '-E', '-W', '--keep-going', '-b', 'html', '-d', '_build/doctrees', '-D', 'language=en', '.', '_build/html'])[source]

Entry point for the blackboard watcher script.


Open up a window onto the behaviour tree!

Render a oneshot snapshot of the tree as a dot graph, or stream it and it’s state continuously as unicode art on your console. This utility automatically discovers the running tree and opens interfaces to that, but if there is more than one tree executing use the namespace argument to differentiate between trees.


# render the tree as a dot graph (does not include runtime information)
$ py-trees-tree-watcher --dot-graph
# connect to an existing snapshot stream (e.g. the default, if it is enabled)
$ py-trees-tree-watcher /tree/snapshots
# open and connect to a snapshot stream, visualise the tree graph and it's changes only
$ py-trees-tree-watcher 
# open a snapshot stream and include visited blackboard variables
$ py-trees-tree-watcher -b
# open a snapshot stream and include blackboard access details (activity)
$ py-trees-tree-watcher -a
# open a snapshot stream and include timing statistics
$ py-trees-tree-watcher -s

usage: py-trees-tree-watcher [-h] [-n [NAMESPACE_HINT]] [-a] [-b] [-s]
                             [--snapshots | --dot-graph]

Positional Arguments

topic_name snapshot stream to connect to, will create a temporary stream if none specified

Named Arguments

-n, --namespace-hint
 namespace hint snapshot stream services (if there should be more than one tree)
-a, --blackboard-activity

show logged activity stream (streaming mode only)

Default: False

-b, --blackboard-data

show visited path variables (streaming mode only)

Default: False

-s, --statistics

show tick timing statistics (streaming mode only)

Default: False

--snapshots render ascii/unicode snapshots from a snapshot stream
--dot-graph render the tree as a dot graph

Command line utility that introspects on a running BehaviourTree instance over it’s snapshot stream interfaces. Use to visualise the tree as a dot graph or track tree changes, timing statistics and blackboard variables visited by the tree on each tick.

Parameters:contents (str) – blackboard contents


The string comes pre-formatted with bash color identifiers and newlines. This is currently not especially good for anything other than debugging.


Entry point for the tree watcher script.