Source code for py_trees_ros.conversions

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# License: BSD
# Documentation

Converter methods for transferring information back and forth between
py_trees objects and ros messages.

# Imports

import py_trees
import py_trees_ros_interfaces.msg  # noqa
import rclpy
import typing
import unique_identifier_msgs.msg
import uuid

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[docs]def activity_stream_to_msgs() -> typing.List[py_trees_ros_interfaces.msg.ActivityItem]: """ Convert the blackboard activity stream to a message. Returns: A list of activity item messages. """ activity_stream = py_trees.blackboard.Blackboard.activity_stream activity_stream_msgs = [] for item in msg = py_trees_ros_interfaces.msg.ActivityItem() msg.key = item.key msg.client_name = item.client_name msg.activity_type = item.activity_type msg.previous_value = str(item.previous_value) msg.current_value = str(item.current_value) activity_stream_msgs.append(msg) return activity_stream_msgs
[docs]def behaviour_type_to_msg_constant(behaviour: py_trees.behaviour.Behaviour): """ Convert a behaviour class type to a message constant. Args: behaviour: investigate the type of this behaviour Returns: :obj:`uint8`: from the type constants in :class:`py_trees_ros_interfaces.msg.Behaviour` """ # TODO: problems with decorators? # TODO: throw an exception if parent is not Behaviour? if isinstance(behaviour, py_trees.composites.Sequence): return py_trees_ros_interfaces.msg.Behaviour.SEQUENCE elif isinstance(behaviour, py_trees.composites.Selector): return py_trees_ros_interfaces.msg.Behaviour.SELECTOR elif isinstance(behaviour, py_trees.composites.Parallel): return py_trees_ros_interfaces.msg.Behaviour.PARALLEL elif isinstance(behaviour, py_trees.decorators.Decorator): return py_trees_ros_interfaces.msg.Behaviour.DECORATOR elif isinstance(behaviour, py_trees.behaviour.Behaviour): return py_trees_ros_interfaces.msg.Behaviour.BEHAVIOUR else: return py_trees_ros_interfaces.msg.Behaviour.UNKNOWN_TYPE
[docs]def msg_constant_to_behaviour_type(value: int) -> typing.Any: """ Convert one of the behaviour type constants in a :class:`py_trees_ros_interfaces.msg.Behaviour` message to a type. Args: value: see the message definition for details Returns: a behaviour class type (e.g. :class:`py_trees.composites.Sequence`) Raises: TypeError: if the message type is unrecognised """ if value == py_trees_ros_interfaces.msg.Behaviour.SEQUENCE: return py_trees.composites.Sequence elif value == py_trees_ros_interfaces.msg.Behaviour.SELECTOR: return py_trees.composites.Selector elif value == py_trees_ros_interfaces.msg.Behaviour.PARALLEL: return py_trees.composites.Parallel elif value == py_trees_ros_interfaces.msg.Behaviour.DECORATOR: return py_trees.decorators.Decorator elif value == py_trees_ros_interfaces.msg.Behaviour.BEHAVIOUR: return py_trees.behaviour.Behaviour else: raise TypeError("invalid type specified in message [{}]".format(value))
[docs]def additional_detail_to_str(behaviour: py_trees.behaviour.Behaviour) -> str: """ Provide, e.g. policy information about the behaviour (i.e. black magic details under the hood). Useed for debugging, so only strings needed. .. todo:: Unlock unicode support across the wire, currently only ascii arrives ungarbled. Args: behaviour: investigate the policies for this behaviour Returns: an informative additional detail string """ if isinstance(behaviour, py_trees.composites.Parallel): policy = "" try: # with a hack that helps keep this string very minimal (removes 'Success') policy = behaviour.policy.__class__.__name__.replace("Success", "") except AttributeError: pass try: indices = [str(behaviour.children.index(child)) for child in behaviour.policy.children] policy += "({})".format(', '.join(sorted(indices))) except AttributeError: pass return policy elif isinstance(behaviour, py_trees.composites.Selector): if behaviour.memory: return "WithMemory" elif isinstance(behaviour, py_trees.composites.Sequence): if behaviour.memory: return "WithMemory" return ""
[docs]def status_enum_to_msg_constant(status: py_trees.common.Status): """ Convert a status to a message constant. Args: status: status enum of a behaviour Returns: :obj:`uint8`: from the status constants in :class:`py_trees_ros_interfaces.msg.Behaviour` """ if status == py_trees.common.Status.INVALID: return py_trees_ros_interfaces.msg.Behaviour.INVALID elif status == py_trees.common.Status.RUNNING: return py_trees_ros_interfaces.msg.Behaviour.RUNNING elif status == py_trees.common.Status.SUCCESS: return py_trees_ros_interfaces.msg.Behaviour.SUCCESS elif status == py_trees.common.Status.FAILURE: return py_trees_ros_interfaces.msg.Behaviour.FAILURE else: return 0 # unknown status
[docs]def msg_constant_to_status_enum(value: int) -> py_trees.common.Status: """ Convert one of the status constants in a :class:`py_trees_ros_interfaces.msg.Behaviour` message to a py_trees status enum. Args: value: see the message definition for details Returns: a py_trees status Raises: TypeError: if the status type is unrecognised """ if value == py_trees_ros_interfaces.msg.Behaviour.INVALID: return py_trees.common.Status.INVALID elif value == py_trees_ros_interfaces.msg.Behaviour.RUNNING: return py_trees.common.Status.RUNNING elif value == py_trees_ros_interfaces.msg.Behaviour.SUCCESS: return py_trees.common.Status.SUCCESS elif value == py_trees_ros_interfaces.msg.Behaviour.FAILURE: return py_trees.common.Status.FAILURE else: raise TypeError("invalid status specified in message [{}]".format(value))
[docs]def blackbox_enum_to_msg_constant(blackbox_level: py_trees.common.BlackBoxLevel): """ Convert a blackbox level enum to a message constant. Args: blackbox_level: blackbox level of a behaviour Returns: :obj:`uint8`: from the type constants in :class:`py_trees_ros_interfaces.msg.Behaviour` """ if blackbox_level == py_trees.common.BlackBoxLevel.DETAIL: return py_trees_ros_interfaces.msg.Behaviour.BLACKBOX_LEVEL_DETAIL elif blackbox_level == py_trees.common.BlackBoxLevel.COMPONENT: return py_trees_ros_interfaces.msg.Behaviour.BLACKBOX_LEVEL_COMPONENT elif blackbox_level == py_trees.common.BlackBoxLevel.BIG_PICTURE: return py_trees_ros_interfaces.msg.Behaviour.BLACKBOX_LEVEL_BIG_PICTURE else: return py_trees_ros_interfaces.msg.Behaviour.BLACKBOX_LEVEL_NOT_A_BLACKBOX
[docs]def msg_constant_to_blackbox_level_enum(value: int) -> py_trees.common.BlackBoxLevel: """ Convert one of the blackbox level constants in a :class:`~py_trees_ros_interfaces.msg.Behaviour` message to a py_trees status enum. Args: value: see the message definition for details Returns: a py_trees blackbox level Raises: TypeError: if the status type is unrecognised """ if value == py_trees_ros_interfaces.msg.Behaviour.BLACKBOX_LEVEL_DETAIL: return py_trees.common.BlackBoxLevel.DETAIL elif value == py_trees_ros_interfaces.msg.Behaviour.BLACKBOX_LEVEL_COMPONENT: return py_trees.common.BlackBoxLevel.COMPONENT elif value == py_trees_ros_interfaces.msg.Behaviour.BLACKBOX_LEVEL_BIG_PICTURE: return py_trees.common.BlackBoxLevel.BIG_PICTURE elif value == py_trees_ros_interfaces.msg.Behaviour.BLACKBOX_LEVEL_NOT_A_BLACKBOX: return py_trees.common.BlackBoxLevel.NOT_A_BLACKBOX else: raise TypeError("invalid blackbox level specified in message [{}]".format(value))
[docs]def uuid4_to_msg(uuid4: uuid.UUID=uuid.uuid4()) -> unique_identifier_msgs.msg.UUID: """ Convert a uuid4 python object to a ros unique identifier, UUID type. Args: uuid4: unique identifier to convert, defaults to auto-generated uuid4 Returns: the ros message type """ return unique_identifier_msgs.msg.UUID(uuid=list(uuid4.bytes))
[docs]def msg_to_uuid4(msg: unique_identifier_msgs.msg.UUID) -> uuid.UUID: """ Convert a uuid4 python object to a ros unique identifier, UUID type. Args: msg: the ros message type Returns: the behaviour's uuid, python style """ return uuid.UUID(bytes=bytes(msg.uuid), version=4)
[docs]def behaviour_to_msg(behaviour: py_trees.behaviour.Behaviour) -> py_trees_ros_interfaces.msg.Behaviour: """ Convert a behaviour to a message. Args: behaviour: behaviour to convert Returns: a ros message representation of a behaviour """ msg = py_trees_ros_interfaces.msg.Behaviour() = msg.class_name = str(behaviour.__module__) + '.' + str(type(behaviour).__name__) msg.own_id = uuid4_to_msg( msg.parent_id = uuid4_to_msg( if behaviour.parent else unique_identifier_msgs.msg.UUID() msg.child_ids = [uuid4_to_msg( for child in behaviour.iterate(direct_descendants=True) if not ==] tip = behaviour.tip() # tip_id is empty if the behaviour is invalid or if it is a valid leaf if tip is not None and tip != behaviour: msg.tip_id = uuid4_to_msg( # else it gets the 'zero' uuid if isinstance(behaviour, py_trees.composites.Composite): if behaviour.current_child is not None: msg.current_child_id = uuid4_to_msg( msg.type = behaviour_type_to_msg_constant(behaviour) msg.blackbox_level = blackbox_enum_to_msg_constant(behaviour.blackbox_level) msg.status = status_enum_to_msg_constant(behaviour.status) msg.additional_detail = additional_detail_to_str(behaviour) msg.message = behaviour.feedback_message msg.blackboard_access = [] for blackboard in behaviour.blackboards: for key in access_info = py_trees_ros_interfaces.msg.KeyValue( key=key, value=py_trees_ros_interfaces.msg.Behaviour.BLACKBOARD_ACCESS_READ # noqa ) msg.blackboard_access.append(access_info) for key in blackboard.write: access_info = py_trees_ros_interfaces.msg.KeyValue( key=key, value=py_trees_ros_interfaces.msg.Behaviour.BLACKBOARD_ACCESS_WRITE # noqa ) msg.blackboard_access.append(access_info) for key in blackboard.exclusive: access_info = py_trees_ros_interfaces.msg.KeyValue( key=key, value=py_trees_ros_interfaces.msg.Behaviour.BLACKBOARD_ACCESS_EXCLUSIVE_WRITE # noqa ) msg.blackboard_access.append(access_info) return msg
[docs]def msg_to_behaviour(msg: py_trees_ros_interfaces.msg.Behaviour) -> py_trees.behaviour.Behaviour: """ Convert behaviour message to a py_trees behaviour. This doesn't completely recreate the original behaviour (doesn't have any of the custom state), but allows the user to compose a tree that can be utilised for debugging or visualisation applications. Args: msg: a ros message representation of a behaviour Returns: converted, skeleton of the original behaviour """ BehaviourType = msg_constant_to_behaviour_type(msg.type) if BehaviourType == py_trees.decorators.Decorator: behaviour = BehaviourType(, # to be replaced with the proper entity in a second pass child=py_trees.behaviours.Dummy() ) else: behaviour = BehaviourType( = msg_to_uuid4(msg.own_id) # parent, children and tip have to be filled in via a second pass on the # list of behaviours since they directly reference other objects behaviour.status = msg_constant_to_status_enum(msg.status) behaviour.blackbox_level = msg_constant_to_blackbox_level_enum(msg.blackbox_level) behaviour.feedback_message = msg.message return behaviour
[docs]def rclpy_time_to_float(time: rclpy.time.Time) -> float: """ Convert a ros2 time (seconds/nanoseconds) to a float. Args: time: time to convert Return: time (seconds) as a float """ return float(time.nanoseconds) / 1e9
[docs]def rclpy_duration_to_float(duration: rclpy.time.Duration) -> float: """ Convert a ros2 duration (seconds/nanoseconds) to a float. Args: time: time to convert Return: time (seconds) as a float """ return float(duration.nanoseconds) / 1e9